Big Helper

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Big Helper
By: Nora A. |  Date:  Monday, April 14, 2014
Kevin is our 20 year anniversary present.

Simplyfying family life specially now that we have a child is very important to me.

When Kevin was infant until, stroller played a big role taking Kevin everywhere we go.

When he learned to walk and graduated from using the stroller, we realized we needed something to replace the stroller, because stroller doesn't fit him anymore or he is too big for a stroller. But what can replace a stroller?

When I was shopping for a wheel, I came across this Pathfinder Wagon by Radio Flyer but didn't buy it the first time I saw it. I had to ask my husband first. He think we don't need it. I finally convinced him that this wagon will be a big helper. So I went back to the store and bought it. That was 3 years ago. Kevin is turning 4 next month and we still have the wagon, still use it everywhere we need to walk him or taking him to events/activities or even just for a walk around the neighborhood. Life won't be as easy without this wagon. Oh, and my husband agreed too. He said he is glad I bought it. Thanks to Radio Flyer!

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