Flying Free

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Flying Free
By: Jennifer D. |  Date:  Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Everyone dreams of owning a pony and my 5-year-old daughter is no different. She asked Santa for a pony and knowing we couldn't have a real one, I thought she was sure to question Santa's magical abilities! But Radio Flyer came to the rescue for this Midwestern Mom! Santa brought what our little girl wanted - a pony to ride! I myself have vivid memories of bouncing wildly and joyfully on a Radio Flyer Pony and now my daughter, Carolyn, will be able to enjoy those same kinds of memories. Being able to fly on the back of a pony with the wind in your hair - whether inside the living room when it's -27 degrees outside, or on the porch in July, is one of my, and now my daughter's, favorite Radio Flyer memories. May Radio Flyer, and the hopes and dreams of many a child, live on.

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