History Repeats Itself...

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History Repeats Itself...
By: Jamie M. |  Setting: Troutman, NC  |  Date:  Sunday, November 1, 2015
I have memories as a child pulling this red wagon around. It was either full of dirt or toys but I always looked forward to playing outside. As I grew older, I can remember sitting in the wagon and scooting down the driveway as if it were a sled. Back then we entertained ourselves. I never knew what happened to my little red wagon. It was either lost in the move to our new house or I could have just actually worn it out. I had a picture of me as a child in the wagon that I stumbled on a few years back that had brought back so many memories. In February 2014 we found out that we were going to have a child. I knew then that I wanted to be able to pass on some things of my childhood. We had decided that we wanted to know if we would have a boy or girl. In May we had a baby reveal party and were blessed to find out that we would be having a boy! At that point I was on a mission as my Son to be would also be the only one to carry on our family name. I kept coming back to the wagon that I had as a child and all of the memories I had. I thought to myself " it would be so cool if I could find the model of wagon that I had". My wife thought I was crazy! My son was born a month early in October of 2014. I had still not satisfied the whole wagon idea yet. I searched for over a year and found a few. They were either in very bad shape or non repairable. As the time was approaching for his 1st birthday (which was going to be when we gave him a wagon) I still had nothing. As I almost bought a new model Radio Flyer classic wagon off of the internet, but still waited. Days later while looking online, I stumbled upon an antiques collector in Colorado. I was actually looking at another piece online when I saw a radio flyer box in the background. I contacted the store the next day and inquired. As much to my Surprise, it was exactly what I had been searching for the whole time. It was still brand new in the box unassembled. A true Classic! the box was in very bad shape but the wagon and the installation instructions / parts list were still in the box. I had it shipped to our home in NC and the rest is history. My son got his 1978 Radio Flyer 90 Wagon on his first birthday! He loves it and wants to push it around in the house all the time. We can't wait for spring now. Attached is a photo. In the lower left, My cousin Kerri and I around 1980 in front of our old farm house. She was 2yrs old and I was 3. Lower left is my son in his wagon at the first of November 2015. The main photo is the wagon I purchased from Colorado. Thank you so much Radio Flyer for making a great product and creating memories that last a lifetime! Let history repeat itself!

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