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By: Maureen H. |  Date:  Saturday, February 8, 2014
"When I was a little girl, my favorite memories were of my daddy pulling my around the block in my red Radio Flyer wagon. As we walked, he would tell me fairy tales about the Elves and the Trolls and about the Magic Dragons. He would tell me stories about his childhood, growing up in a small town, and eventually stories about his college days at the University where his grandfather attended, the University of Notre Dame. My father was a shy man and his true friends were few. He came home to be a small town lawyer and raise his 10 children. One of the stories I remember was how I got my wagon. It was very special. You see, it was given to him for his first born daughter by his close friend at Notre Dame, Mario Pasin. Mario went on to run his father's business, Radio Flyer, and my father went on to run his father's law practice. After ten children, the Radio Flyer eventually collapsed. As children, we were carried to school in the wagon, we brought home groceries in, tied it to our bikes to give rides, carried home gallons of milk, tons of rocks, used it for plants and toys. It was a rocket, a sports car, a pony and rode in parades. But while the Radio Flyer may have collapsed from the weight of its cargo, the memories it held will remain with our family forever. "

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