Lily Love and her Big Red Wagon

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Lily Love and her Big Red Wagon
By: Lily Love M. |  Setting: Northport, NY  |  Date:  Friday, June 26, 2015
Our daughter, Lily Love (9 months) just adores her little Radio Flyer wagon. We walk her around town and she melts hearts in her wagon.

People now know her as Lily Love in her big red Radio Flyer and they get excited to see her. Adults have tried to hop in with her. Kids do hop in with her and go for rides. Lily loves it and usually holds the other kid's hands, as if to say..."Sit back and enjoy the ride!"

As parents, there is nothing better than seeing your child experiencing pure joy and that is what happens every time Lily gets in her Flyer. She smiles from ear to ear, lights up from the inside out and spreads happiness and love to all around her. You cant help but smile when you see Lily round the corner in her big red wagon.

Every kid and every parent should have this's magical! Thank you, Radio Flyer!

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