Memory Flyer

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Memory Flyer
By: Emily F. |  Date:  Wednesday, January 29, 2014
On a cool winter's day, my sweet niece, Anneli, came to visit my parents (her grandparents) and me in the mountains of North Carolina. We told her we had a surprise for her outside: A traditional Radio Flyer red wagon. We put her boots on and helped her bundle up before introducing her to the best toy she will ever know. Contrary to our expectations, nearly 2 year old Anneli preferred being the wagon "driver" instead of the "rider". I ran inside to retrieve my camera to capture this priceless scene as it unfolded before us. She innocently looked back at me just as the sun was setting over the mountains. From this moment on, the day the classic Radio Flyer wagon was introduced to my parents' first grandchild will be forever engrained in our memories.

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