In Memory of Zayden

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In Memory of Zayden
By: Melissa J. |  Setting: OU childrens  |  Date:  Monday, April 2, 2018
Zayden was a triplet, and the youngest of 8 children. He was a healthy happy super hero. He was diagnosed with AML, the deadliest form of leukemia in children at the age of 23 months old. He was taken to OU childrens Hospital in Oklahoma City and was treated there off and on for two years. He had undergone countless blood transfusions, surgeries, rounds of chemo, infections, remissions and relapses, a bone marrow transplant, months away from his siblings, missed holidays, ct scans, ultrasounds and blood draws. He wanted a radio flyer tricycle and we got it for him. He loved riding the halls while I ran behind him pushing the iv pole...all the while he was wearing a Superman cape. He laughed and he was strong.
He was sent home April 2016 after his last relapse with no more treatment or options. We then were accepted into a trial at St Jude. He fought 3 and a half months and passed away July 2 2016. It was just two days from his fourth birthday. We have started giving back to the hospital that gave so much to us. Every year I hold a toy drive. Zaydens Toy has gone from one county to half the state of Oklahoma in just two years. We give back to two major Oklahoma hospitals to help make their youngest cancer fighters have a childhood. We give toys at Christmas!! We have taken monetary donations to provide wagons for the comfort of these kids. In the past two years we have purchased 11 wagons from radio flyer in Memory of Zayden and 5 wagons for St Francis in Memory of Kai. Our area county in Oklahoma has 42 children who are fighting and have fought pediatric cancer and we are continuing the fight by helping make them comfortable in a radio flyer wagon...after surgery, during chemo, and when they are just not able to have the energy to walk a wagon makes all the difference. Our little Zayden loved his wagon and our dream is to provide this comfort to all the children fighting a catastrophic disease. We have this enormous dream, and I would love to see it come try through this sweepstakes.
Thank you radio flyer for giving us comfort on Zaydens roughest days and providing for the needs of so many other children fighting cancer.


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