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By: Joanne T. |  Setting: Foxboro, MA  |  Date:  Friday, November 11, 2016
Saturday Nature Walks

We bought our grandson the radio flyer tricycle that has the handle and canopy. He is three now, and he loves his "red bike" as he calls it. We babysit him every Saturday at his home, and the first thing he says is "I want to go on a bike ride". So he hops on the bike and off we go. A long the way we stop and he collects wild flowers in the spring and summer, and leaves, acorns, and pine cones in the fall. He stores them in the little compartment on the back of the bike, carefully arranging each item. I wish you could see the smile on his face when he is riding his little "red bike". He will also tell you that red is his FAVORITE color. He also has a radio flyer wagon which he loves, and some days when we have time and the weather is nice, we bring the bike back home and exchange it for the wagon. It has two seats so he takes turns sitting in each seat to get the best view. His bike and wagon bring him many enjoyable "nature walks" as we like to call them. We think he may be a botanist some day.

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