Red Trike

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Red Trike
By: Kenzie K. |  Date:  Monday, June 9, 2014
My son's second product from Radio Flyer! He received this his 2nd Christmas from his God Father. His God Father is in the military & lives far away so they never get to see each other. This present keeps them close! (: He loves to ride all over. Indoors, outdoors, rain or shine. This trike is his buddy! It isn't only a toy. It has taught him things! How to peddle, how to keep going even when things are tough, how to never give up! He had no idea how to ride anything before receiving this gift. Now he is a professional. He wants to be a race car driver! Making noises as he zooms around on his little red trike.. It makes me so proud of him. Growing successful and learning amazing new things everyday. Thank you so much for your great products Radio Flyer. You provide hours, days and years of fun!

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