Wagons for Smiles

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Wagons for Smiles
By: Cindy J. |  Setting: Gainesville, Florida  |  Date:  Monday, January 9, 2017
Thirty years ago our best friend's 2 year old daugher was in Shands@UF battling cancer, we went every weekend to visit them and would pull her around the halls for hours in wagon's that were donated for them. We lost her at the age of 3.
This past year my grandson was born at 27 weeks and was rushed to this same hospital and was there for 96 days. My husband and I talked often about the wagon that were no longer there or just in bad shape. The smiles we saw on the children's face when they got to feeling better or up to it or it was their turn to ride was just priceless! Please donate more "Wagons for Smiles" to the Shands@UF NICU and Children's hospital in Gainesville Florida. Thank you Cindy Johnson

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