5 Generations

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5 Generations
By: Eliana  A. |  Date:  Friday, October 25, 2013
I am an admirer of your magic RED CLASSIC RADIO FLYER WAGON. We have had one in our family for more than 50 years! My parents bought it in Washington DC, in 1963. It has made all our family very happy and we have so many wonderful memories of the hours we spent playing with the RED WAGON. My parents sold their house on the beach and the picture was taken a week before they sold the house.( July 2013) I went to the house to pick up the RADIO FLYER WAGON because they gave it to my 3 year old grandson. I have several other photographs but I
find this one magical! All the family members have played with RED WAGON. We are 5 generations! My
grandmother, my parents, their 4 girls, 14 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren!! And all of them have sat, played , pushed, filled and pulled around the RED WAGON!

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