Fire Inspector

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Fire Inspector
By: Mary M. |  Setting: Gainesville, FL  |  Date:  Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Our fire department (Alachua County Fire Rescue) visits the children in the local hospital on a monthly basis; we use a radio flyer wagon that is filled with goodies, that one of our fire fighters would purchase out of his own pocket. The fire fighters will walk from room to room just saying hello to the children and their family members and provide a fire hat and another little something special. I used to walk with them when they did this.
I also used my personal radio flyer wagon, when we were canvasing neighborhoods post a home fire to deliver and install smoke alarms for free. I kept this old wagon in the back of my personal vehicle and one day, I was watching this homeless family with their children walking along a side walk and pulled over and gave them my wagon so that the kids could ride instead of walk. Now I have grandchildren of my own and I am looking to purchase another red wagon to pull them around in.

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