First Christmas

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First Christmas
By: Jenny W. |  Setting: Nacogdoches, TX  |  Date:  Thursday, December 25, 2014
Last year, our daughter, Chelsey, was 10 months old when we celebrated her first Christmas. She had just started walking, loved riding things and playing outside, so it only seemed natural that her first "big" Christmas present should be a wagon. With my husband being the only one working so that I could stay home with Chelsey, we didn't have much extra to spend on Christmas, so we were very excited to find out that a friend's son had been given 2 Radio Flyer Pathfinder Wagons for his birthday and they were happy to help us give our daughter something we knew she would love. On Christmas morning, she almost didn't care to open anything after seeing her wagon; she just wanted to be pulled around the living room. All year long we have enjoyed playing outside with her wagon, pulling my daughter, her dolls, and her kittens. And I am happy to say that this year, since she is fascinated by the older kids riding bikes, we were able to buy her a beautiful pink Radio Flyer Classic Tricycle to have waiting for her under the tree. I can't wait to see her try to ride it around the living room Christmas morning.

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