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By: Alex  L. |  Date:  Sunday, August 18, 2013
This is my 1 year old son, Brady. I had to decide on a prop for his pictures and I knew right away that I wanted an old metal Radio Flyer. I grew up with these toys and can picture the wagon and tricycle that I had growing up so clearly. My boys now have a plastic Radio Flyer wagon that we use all the time. I just knew I wanted the nostalgia of a metal one for his pictures. I posted on Facebook asking friends if anyone had one to borrow and one came through! Her parents are collected of old metal push cars and other riding toys. I had so many to choose from but knew immediately when I saw the Radio Flyer that my search was over!
I am so happy with this picture and absolutely love the statement the metal Radio Flyer makes. I am so glad Radio Flyer can be part of my children's life as it was mine!

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