Nap time

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Nap time
By: penny G. |  Date:  Friday, November 8, 2013
"This story is about my youngest daughter Samantha. When she was about 2 (she is now 21) we moved into a new house. One day I couldn't find her. We looked everywhere, in her room, her sister's room, in the basement, out in the backyard. We called her name and called, nothing. Now I am starting to panic!!! I went out the front door and around the side of the house by the neighbours and low and behold there she was!!! She had gotten her Radio Flyer wagon, a pillow and a blanket, pulled it into the driveway and took a nap!!!!! YES, she was sleeping in the wagon!!!! I was so relieved to find her. I didn't know whether to grab her and hug her or scold her for scaring the crap out of me!!! Before I woke her up I took a picture of her sleeping in her wagon. Now her girls have the wagon to nap in!"

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