Santa Got It!

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Santa Got It!
By: Jackie L. |  Date:  Tuesday, November 26, 2013
"My Radio Flyer story is quite new. For the last several months every time my husband comes home from work (he works overseas on a month off a month) our youngest son has to go to the Co-Op the very next morning. They go and make their purchases and then he tells his Dad and the clerk he needs to go check on "his" tricycle. He knows right where it is and hops on ringing the bell. This Classic Red Dual Deck Tricycle has become his greatest Christmas wish. Oops they went last Friday and "his" tricycle was gone. We expected a complete meltdown, however, what we got surprised us. He announced Santa must have come and got it for him already and ever since he tells everyone Santa went and got his tricycle to bring him for Christmas. Boy I hope Santa makes good on this big wish."

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