Creative DIY Costumes for Imaginative Play

Our Blog: Word on the Sidewalk

Creative DIY Costumes for Imaginative Play

April 22, 2020
posted by Mindy Stumpf

Fun fact: it doesn’t need to be Halloween to get dressed up! What better time than when we are all #PlayingAtHome to get creative and have some fun with costumes? Parents, this a 2-for-1 activity. First, it’s a great craft project for the whole family. Whether you want to spend minutes or hours creating your costume is entirely up to you! Second, costumes are a perfect spark for imaginative & pretend play. One costume can take you and your family on so many adventures.

Will your family fly to the moon or head to the circus? We’ve provided some creative inspiration for you with 5 costume ideas. You can mimic the ideas in the gallery below or put your own spin on them using materials you have at your home.

  1. Astronauts with a Rocket Ship – Blast off to space with this out-of-this-world look. With some cardboard, tape, and creative coloring, transform your wagon into your very own rocket ship in no time. Take your rocket ship on a ride around the neighborhood and see what intergalactic discoveries you make. Is that delivery truck a shooting star? Is the house across the street another planet? See how creative you and your family can get!


  1. Firefighters with a Fire Truck – Kids can play for hours in their very own firetruck. Have your little ones name their truck and own fire department for added creativity. As firefighters, they can complete missions around the house like “rescuing” stuffed animals or finding “lost” objects in an indoor scavenger hunt.


  1. Students on a School Bus – Parents, we know that learning at home comes with enormous challenges. Add a little playfulness and a reminder of normalcy to your day by turning your wagon into a school bus. Little ones can pack up their backpacks and hop in for a ride before needing to complete a lesson or an assignment. 


  1. Characters from a Favorite Book – Whether you want to dress up as characters from your child’s favorite story or from Mom or Dad’s favorite novel, the whole family will love this costume idea. With older kids, you can add even more creativity by making it a game. Have every member of the family work independently on their own costume using whatever they can find around the house. Then, do a big family reveal and try to guess which character everyone is!


  1. Confectioners with an Ice Cream Truck – We think this idea is sweet. Little ones only need aprons, bows, and hats to be mini ice cream confectioners. Transform a wagon or any table into your very own ice cream shop. Little ones can name their stand and even make menus detailing what is in their ice cream concoctions. Bonus: turn this from pretend play to real play and have a real ice cream treat!



What DIY costumes are your kiddos loving? Show us by using #radioflyer!