Family Fun: 4 Creative Activities for the Whole Family

Our Blog: Word on the Sidewalk

Family Fun: 4 Creative Activities for the Whole Family

March 19, 2020
posted by Mindy Stumpf

During this time of uncertainty, moments of smiles, laughter and fun are more important than ever. At Radio Flyer we are recommitting to our Pledge to Play, starting with ideas for families to play at home. As we all stay home as much as possible, we can embrace the time we have together with our families. Today we have 4 creative family fun activities to help inspire imaginations, celebrate quality time, and create warm memories with your kids.


1. Pajama Day

Remember those lazy weekend mornings as a child where you watched cartoons and stayed in your PJs all day? Why not do it on a Wednesday! You can make a whole day out of it filled with different activities that fit the theme:

  • Start with a big pancake breakfast that’s usually only reserved for Sundays. Kids can help pick out the toppings: fruit, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. What a special way to start the day!
  • Next have some active fun. Ever heard of a pajama fashion show? Well, you have now. Get silly and take turns strutting down the runway and accessorizing different bedtime looks. Makes the perfect photo opportunity as well.
  • Snuggle up at night in your PJs with your very own DIY “Drive In” movie theater. Pick your favorite family flick and prepare all the best movie snacks. Kids can “drive” up in their wagon or ride-on to enjoy the film.


2. Puzzle Palooza

You know that one you got for Christmas and haven’t looked at since? Time to break it out! When you and your family put all your heads together, that 1,000+ piece jigsaw doesn’t seem quite as daunting anymore. Plus, it’ll keep everyone laser focused for a couple of hours.

  • Assign every member of the family a “job” – someone working on the edges, another person focused on the main image in the center, and the family member who is always up for a challenge can tackle the endless blue sky or tricky green grass.
  • Race against the clock! Set a timer to see just how fast you and your kiddos can put all the pieces together. Try and beat it next time.
  • If your family is extra competitive, split up into two teams and complete dueling puzzles. Winning team gets to pick what’s for dinner! Speaking of dinner…


3. Cook Together

Eating with one another is always a great shared experience, and cooking together can be too! Depending on the age of your kids, you can switch up the meal time fun.

  • Younger kids will love pretend playing restaurant. They can help set the table, use crayons and markers to make menus, and assist mom or dad with simple activities like stirring or measuring.
  • Older kids can get in on the action too. Split your family up so everyone makes a different course. Your kids can take pride in making an exquisite entrée or delectable dessert.
  • Alternatively, have every family member choose one random ingredient and work together to incorporate them all into one cohesive meal. Maybe it won’t be the tastiest meal you’ve ever had (peanut butter and fish sandwich, anyone?), but there are sure to be plenty of laughs.


4. Family Walks

Fresh air, sunshine, and family time – hard to think of a better combination! It’s still important to get out and spend time in nature while being safe and smart. A family walk around the neighborhood is an easy solution for getting out of the house and moving. There are plenty of ways to add some extra fun too:

  • While you’re pulling your child in their wagon, let them take charge of your route. At each turn, call out a directions – “Left or right?!” – and allow your little one make the call. Your child will love being in charge, and it will keep them excited and engaged the whole walk.
  • Who says you have to walk in the neighborhood – why not fly through outer space or explore the jungle? You and your family can create your own fun narrative as you go – the more creative, the better! If your kiddos have a pre-determined adventure in mind, you can even decorate your ride or dress accordingly to really get into character.
  • Turn the walk into a scavenger hunt. Parents can make checklists ahead of time for items to look out for on your planned route – a dog, an acorn, a red car, a street that starts with the letter A, etc. Adjust accordingly depending on where you live and how much you want to challenge your little ones.


What are your favorite activities to do with your family? Let us know by using #radioflyer on social media.