Radio Flyer Takes a Pledge to Play

Our Blog: Word on the Sidewalk

Radio Flyer Takes a Pledge to Play

January 01, 2020
posted by Mindy Stumpf


Radio Flyer has been inspiring play for over 103 years. We know how important it is for children to go out and play. To build towers then knock them down. To jump rope or jump into outer space. Play is the essential "work" of childhood. And today’s children aren’t playing enough. Playtime is decreasing at such an alarming rate that pediatricians are writing prescriptions for play.


It is hard to pinpoint exactly why there is not enough play in our children’s days. Playtime is certainly threatened by the bright entertainment of pervasive screens. For many families, it can be too much work to get outside to a safe play space. We can blame our jam-packed schedules and never ending to-do lists. Or maybe we have simply forgotten how to play.


Whatever the cause, it is time to reverse the trend. We need to get out to play more. Because play is about more than fun and games. Play is important. Play lets us step into someone else’s shoes. Play grants us freedom from bothersome realities like gravity. It teaches us to bring joy and wonder into our daily routines. It lays the foundation for critical skills like curiosity, grit, empathy, and collaboration.


As we kick off a new year, Radio Flyer is taking a stand for play. We invite you to join us. To commit to a family resolution of joy, freedom, adventure and fun. Will your family take the #PledgeToPlay in 2020? Will you come out and play with us?