Mary Kate Venturini

Blog Contributor

Mary Kate Venturini

Radio Flyer Alumni

Mary Kate has been working in the Visual Communications and Marketing Departments at Radio Flyer since 2009. She loves working with a timeless, beloved and meaningful brand—especially one she remembers fondly from childhood. Mary Kate always prefers to be outside, especially on city neighborhood walks with her husband and toddler twin sons. 


Favorite outdoor activity:

Taking long walks to explore cities. I love to do this in new, exciting places and also my hometown. 

Favorite outdoor escape:

The beach. Any beach works, but if given the choice, North Carolina is my top pick.

Favorite outdoor game as a kid:

Coloring with chalk.

Favorite activity to do with your family:

Long family dinners with my twins, husband, parents, and sisters (I have 4!). It is exciting to see my parents as grandparents and my sisters as aunts; time with them and my boys all together is extra special. 

What makes you smile:

Toddler hugs, oversized or tiny versions of desk supplies, really sharp pencils, and fresh flowers.

Favorite Radio Flyer Product and why:

The Town and Country Wagon. One summer during grade school I used hula-hoops and a sheet to turn my Radio Flyer into a pioneer-style covered wagon. My sisters and I crossed the prairie (backyard) all summer long!


  • Adventures with toddlers - at the zoo!
  • City walk with the double stroller.
  • Exploring Paris with my husband.
  • Hanging out with ALL of my sisters.
  • At a Notre Dame football game with 2 of my sisters and my husband.