How to Halloween - With Toddlers

Our Blog: Word on the Sidewalk

How to Halloween - With Toddlers

October 31, 2019


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. As a kid, I loved the air of possibility. For one night, you can become anyone or anything. When I stepped out the door in my costume, I felt like anything could happen. Maybe my broomstick would finally fly. Maybe I’d be transported back into the 1950s and my poodle skirt would fit right in. Maybe I’d run into the actual soccer star I dressed up as. Who knew? It was Halloween. Anything was possible.

I am excited to share that sense of wonder with my toddler twins. I want them to be just as excited and inspired by Halloween as I was. I can get caught up, though, in logistics and safety. Crossing streets. Keeping track of multiple kids. Managing sugar rushes and bedtimes. To keep myself focused on the fun and excitement of the holiday, I need a little help. I could strap my boys into our stroller, but that seems too restrictive for Halloween. Instead, I will turn to a classic icon of childhood. I will pull them in a wagon.

A wagon is the ideal vehicle for transporting for two kids—especially when your goal is fun and adventure. My boys are ambivalent about our double stroller, but they LOVE going for wagon rides. I don’t need to wrangle them, threaten time out, or bribe them with a snack. They hop right in with a giant grin. And I will relax because I can keep them in one safe place as we wander the neighborhood.

As The Official Wagon of Halloween™, Radio Flyer wagons have everything your family needs for trick-or-treating. Do you need extra storage? Or maybe you are short on space or traveling — a folding wagon is your best bet. Air tires will roll smoothly on any terrain you encounter. If you are all about that back to basics retro style, check out our classic wagons – that's my preference this year. With my boys happy and safe in one spot, I’ll focus on my next mom challenge: one photo with two toddlers smiling. I may not capture the perfect shot, but I will always remember my adorable Tigger and Winnie the Pooh in their little red wagon.